Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The avengers:

Born and raised in the age of Cartoon Network and later the internet, the avengers are set to make this country a better place. With their new found vigour, their talent in social media and the ability to argue tenaciously, all they need is a hero. Like a baby, avengers demand change! With their lack of reading on social sciences and politics, they try filling the gap of their knowledge by the material available on the internet in the form of blogs, fan pages and memes.

The average avenger is an adventure loving dreamer, mostly stays optimistic about the future and in this optimism, ignores most technical aspects of politics. Mesmerised by the power of hero personality cult, the avengers don’t exactly know what their revolution will look like, but are sure it will be as bad as a natural disaster.
The avengers will vote for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI).

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