Thursday, 23 January 2014

A guy and his manager go down to the docks. The manager is betting
every docker he sees that his guy can make love to 100 women in a row,
without pausing, and satisfy them all.
Bets are made, and they agree that they'll meet the next day. The next
day, 100 women are lined up along the dock . The guy drops his pants
and starts.
True to his word, he moves from one to the next, satisfying each one
without pausing: 1.. 2.. 3.. on and on he goes: 49.. 50.. 51.. He
slows down somewhat: 83.... 84.... 85.... but he is still moving from
one to the next, and the women are still satisfied: 97............
98............. 99.............
...and before he can get to the last woman, he has a heart attack and
The manager scratches his head in puzzlement and says, ‘I don't
understand it! It went perfectly well at practice this morning!’

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